RCOT Specialist Section - Work
Supporting people to remain in, return to, or obtain work is a key function of occupational therapy.
We passionately believe that occupational therapists have a major role to play in this exciting and multi-faceted enterprise. We work with other organisations in order to foster good relationships and champion our unique contribution as occupational therapists.
Our Specialist Section includes members from both private and statutory sectors and encompasses practitioners from mental health, learning disability and physical settings.
- Find out more about RCOT Specialist Section – Work by contacting us - rcotsswork@gmail.com
- Download our info sheet find out more:
Download some examples of our case studies
- Case study: Back pain (PDF, 219.27KB)
- Case study: Mental health (Schizophrenia) (PDF, 284.08KB)
- Case study: Shoulder pain (PDF, 231.7KB)
- Case study: Functional capacity evaluation and a cognitive assessment (PDF, 141.06KB)
- Cost benefit Ergonomic Assessment example of Occupational Therapy Input - MSK Diagnosis final.docx (DOCX, 108.47KB)
- Cost benefit Ergonomic Assessment example of Occupational Therapy Input - Stroke Diagnosis.docx (DOCX, 108.87KB)
Become a member
Become a member and keep abreast with the latest developments in vocational rehabilitation.
Membership provides the opportunity for networking with occupational therapists from all over the UK who are involved in all aspects of assisting people back to work or remaining in work.
RCOT Specialist Section - Work provides members with information to keep abreast with the latest developments in the fast growing sector of vocational rehabilitation in the UK.
We warmly invite you to increase your knowledge and enhance your skills as a practitioner in this field by becoming one of our members.
The Benefits of Membership
- Receive regular informative e-newsletters.
- Opportunities to attend learning events.
- Regular webinars and access to our resource of past webinars
- Access to networks with like-minded professionals.
- Upgrade your knowledge with work-related policies, initiatives and research via our newsletter updates and our Twitter account.
- Utilise your membership as part of your Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) evidence and support your Continuing Professional Development.
- Opportunities for funding, including funded places to conference/study days.
Join us
Membership is open to all occupational therapists, students and occupational therapy staff with an interest in work, vocational rehabilitation and occupational health.
Annual membership fees:
- RCOT Professional Membership - £35
- RCOT Self Employed Membership - £35
- RCOT Overseas Membership - £15
- RCOT Student Membership - £5
- RCOT Associate Membership - £15
- RCOT Retired Membership - £15
Become a Specialist Section member by joining online.
You will need to log into your website account and select ‘My Specialist Sections’ to join.
Register now then log in and select ‘My Specialist Sections’.
Find out more about registering for your new website account. If you have any queries with registering for an account, please email digital.team@rcot.co.uk.
If you have any queries about the current status of your membership or renewals please contact the RCOT membership team: membership@rcot.co.uk