Resources marked with an * are available in Welsh language. There is a separate list of publications available in Welsh, below the main listing.
- Care Act 2014: guidance for occupational therapists - Disabled Facilities Grants
- Care Act 2014: guidance for occupational therapists - prevention
- Care Act 2014: guidance for occupational therapists - transitions; custodial settings; employment, training and education
- Care Act 2014: guidance for occupational therapists - wellbeing
- Care homes and equipment: guiding principles for assessment and provision*
- Career Development Framework: guiding principles for occupational therapy (second edition)
- Children and young people with acquired brain injury: current practice in occupational therapy
- Coronavirus: legal and practical implications for occupational therapists working in social care in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland
- Occupational therapy and complexity: defining and describing practice.
- Occupational therapy in neonatal services and early intervention: practice guideline (second edition)
- Occupational therapy in the prevention and management of falls in adults: practice guideline (second edition)
- Occupational therapy for people with Parkinson’s (second edition)
- Occupational therapy and play practice guideline.
Other RCOT resources
*Welsh resources
- Addasiadau heb oedi: canllawiau ar gynllunio a darparu addasiadau cartref mewn modd gwahano
- Cartrefi gofal ac offer: egwyddorion arweiniol ar gyfer asesiad a darpariaeth
- Dynodi blaenoriaethau ymchwil ar gyfer therapi galwedigaethol yn y Deyrnas Unedig: beth sydd o fwyaf o bwys i bobl sy’n defnyddio a darparu gwasanaethau?
- Safonau dysgu a datblygu ar gyfer addysg cyn cofrestru
- Safonau proffesiynol ar gyfer ymarfer, ymddygiad a moeseg therapi
- Strategaeth ymchwil a datblygu 2019–2024 RCOT