About the Professional Advisory Service
How can we help you?
The Professional Advisory Service (PAS) is here to help you with all aspects of professional practice in the workplace.
You can contact us at: professional.advisoryservice@rcot.co.uk or 020 3141 4630. We’re open Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.
If we’re busy your call may go to voicemail. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can. We always try to get back to you within 7 days. If that’s not possible, we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
How can we help?
We can support with a range of queries. These may include:
- professional practice advice
- returning to practice
- workplace support
- supervision.
Our commitment to you
The PAS team works towards a set of standards which ensures we support you in the best way possible.
We will:
- respond to all enquiries within seven working days
- treat you with respect, and without discrimination
- respect confidentiality at all times, except if there is a safeguarding issue raised
- listen to your queries and access all of the resources available to provide an appropriate response
- keep you updated on the progress of the query if there is a delay
- where we are not able to help with your query, we will do our best to suggest other courses of action that might be available
- introduce ourselves when speaking to you on the telephone
- make a note of our conversation and the advice provided in case you need to call back.
Who do we help?
We are open to a range of people and professions:
- OTs who are members of RCOT
- other health and social care professionals who manage occupational therapists
- members of the public who require help accessing occupational therapy services.
Who to contact?
The service is run by:
Anne Keen
Anne is the Professional Advisory Service Manager and an occupational therapist by background with a specialism in mental health.
Kewcha Ambrose
Kewcha is the Advisory Service Coordinator who is trained to an IAG level 4 and is a qualified information, advice and guidance practitioner.
The team can be contacted on: professional.advisoryservice@rcot.co.uk or 020 3141 4630.
The service is open Monday - Friday from 9am-5pm.
If the phone lines are busy, your call may go to voicemail. Please leave a message, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.