30 January 2023
Lift up your everyday with OT Life Hacks to help children’s mental health
As occupational therapists, we help children and young people develop, achieve and enjoy everyday life. We understand the importance of making meaningful connections and getting the balance of activities right.
20 January 2023
Innovation starts with a compelling case for change
The Innovation Hub pilot has been live for one month and we’ve been hearing from occupational therapists (OTs) about their cases for change with their improvement ideas. We’ve identified two categories of change with improvements aimed...
04 January 2023
Making the most of your membership
Do you want to get more out of your membership this year? We’ve got some ideas for you… Join us at events We’ll have hundreds of virtual and in person events for you this year – giving you the chance to learn and network. Many of them are free as part of your membership, including our...
03 January 2023
Careers in OT – moving into children's services
As part of our workforce strategy to help occupational therapists move into paediatrics, Dr Sally Payne, Professional Adviser – Children, Young People and Families shares her advice on how to give yourself the best chance at getting a role in children’s services. I recently spoke to an occupational...
03 January 2023
A new year, and a new approach to CPD?
Emma Grover, Professional Development Lead at RCOT, talks about the ways we can better record our continued professional development.
05 December 2022
The Spoon Theory
Rachel Booth-Gardiner, one of the founding members of AbleOTUK explains the Spoon Theory and how this aligns with occupational therapy.
29 November 2022
Anyone can become disabled. Anyone, anytime.
Natalie Hicks, one of the founding members of AbleOTUK shares her story about becoming disabled and why being an ally is important.
24 November 2022
UK Disability History Month – a month in which the struggles of disabled people are remembered and victories celebrated
Rachel Booth-Gardiner, one of the founding members of AbleOTUK explains what Disability History Month is and why we should celebrate it.
21 November 2022
Employment, disability, health and wellbeing
Georgia Vine, Occupational Therapist and Founding Member of AbleOTUK shares her experiences of employment, disability, health and wellbeing.
15 November 2022
Reflections on OT Week 2022
At RCOT, our vision is that people everywhere value the life changing power of occupational therapy. That’s why for OT Week 2022 we launched our ‘Lift up your everyday with OT Life Hacks’ campaign. As part of the campaign occupational therapists are encouraged to share life hacks to help people overcome challenges to do things they love and need to do.