Lift up your everyday OT Life Hacks for managing your energy
Are you or someone you care for experiencing extreme fatigue?
We’re here to support you.
Overcoming a challenge is easier with help from an expert – that’s where occupational therapists come in. When you’re ill or recovering from an illness, you’re likely to have less energy and feel tired. A simple task, such as putting on your shoes, can feel like hard work.
We’ve created a guide to help you to find ways to conserve your energy as you go about your daily tasks. By making these small changes you’ll have more energy throughout the day.
You can also get bite-sized practical advice by watching some our OT Life Hacks videos.
Want help to planning your week so you can make the most of your energy?
Watch Lauren’s OT Life Hack to find ways to spread your activities out.
Do you ever feel you have eye strain?
Look at Helen’s OT Life Hack for ways to pace vision and lighting.
Do you ever find the noise overwhelming?
Check out Helen’s OT Life Hack for ways to pace sound.
Do you want to know how to take your energy further?
Watch Andy’s OT Life Hack to find how to pace your activities.
How do you save energy to do the things you love?
Look at Susan’s OT Life Hack about enjoying the good days.
Look at our guide to find more ways to conserve your energy.
Visit the Lift up your everyday campaign for more expert advice from occupational therapists.
Find out more about how Occupational Therapy can improve your life in many ways.