Guidance and frameworks
- Acting as an expert witness: guidance for occupational therapists (second edition)
- Adaptations without delay: a guide to planning and delivering home adaptations differently
- Care Act 2014: guidance for occupational therapists - Disabled Facilities Grants
- Care Act 2014: guidance for occupational therapists - prevention
- Care Act 2014: guidance for occupational therapists - transitions; custodial settings; employment, training and education
- Care Act 2014: guidance for occupational therapists - wellbeing
- Care homes and equipment: guiding principles for assessment and provision
- Career Development Framework: guiding principles for occupational therapy (second edition)
- Children and young people with acquired brain injury: current practice in occupational therapy
- Embracing risk; enabling choice: guidance for occupational therapists
- Home adaptations: the care act 2014 and related provision across the United Kingdom (2016)
- Keeping records - guidance for occupational therapists (fourth edition)
- Occupational therapy and complexity: defining and describing practice
- Occupational therapy for people with Parkinson’s (second edition)
- Practice guideline development manual (fourth edition)
- Principal occupational therapists in adult social care services in England
- Supervision: guidance for occupational therapists and their managers