NIHR Signals
NIHR Signals are short summaries of recently published research, accompanied by an expert commentary. They aim to make it easier for practitioners and decision makers to access important research from the NIHR and high impact journals. Each Signal explores why the study was needed, what was involved (design/methodology), the findings and implications, and how it relates to current guidelines.
NIHR My Signals: Occupational Therapy collection
The NIHR also publishes ‘My Signals’ collections, in which health and social care professionals and people who access services select and comment on Signals that are of interest to them.
In the My Signals: Occupational Therapy collection seven occupational therapists, who work in a variety of settings and roles, have selected and written about Signals that are of interest to them and of relevance to their practice.
Contributors included a recently qualified occupational therapist, specialist occupational therapists, a trainee consultant, a consultant occupational therapist, commissioner and post-doctoral occupational therapists.
Access the My Signals: Occupational Therapy collection.
Other Signals of relevance to occupational therapy
Some of the other NIHR Signals that are of particular relevance to occupational therapy are: