A parent-delivered intervention called early Therapy in Perinatal Stroke (eTIPS) was developed at Newcastle University to mitigate against potentially adverse activity-dependent changes to the central nervous system following perinatal stroke in infants aged 0 to 6 months. The presentation will explain this therapy and how to use it with infants and their families where a perinatal stroke has occurred.
The presentation will also include information about an online training course that was developed through the eTIPS research. This training teaches health professionals how to identify atypical movement in very young infants.
Questions are encouraged throughout, and there will be opportunity for discussion.
Following the event attendees will be able to:
- Describe how the infant brain develops and how perinatal stroke adversely affects this.
- Appreciate the process of development of a new therapy using a participatory design process, ensuring it is evidence based.
- Describe what the therapy is, including the key ingredients and the mode of delivery
- Understand how to access the eTIPS materials and use them to support families
Know how to access a basic assessment designed to use with infants 0-6 months who may have movement difficulties. For SS CYPF members only