Member resources
Members can find some useful resources relating to our specialist section. Specific resources can be found in our clinical forum pages.
Education and research
As a member of the specialist section you have access to a national network of members to gain advice and support with specialist queries relating to clinical practice or research. We welcome enquiries related to research, education and practice and these can be directed to the education and research liaison.
If you would like to access members for your own research, please follow the guidelines and contact us with the information. Please email FAO the education and research liaison, with the request form completed. Once all relevant information is provided we will try to get back to you within two weeks.
Bursary and awards
The specialist section offers funding for continuing professional development, research or service development activities related to our specialities. To apply for funding please read and complete the attached form and send to
Newsletters and bulletins
Newsletters are sent on the last working day of the month.
We would also value your input into the newsletter. Are you developing anything interesting in your area? Are there any local initiatives that may be of interest to others? Deadlines for inclusion in the bulletin newsletter is the 15th of each month.
The benefits of this will include:
- quicker dissemination of information amongst members
- a greater opportunity for members to shout about their practice and service innovations
- quicker access to information regarding research, events and consultation events.
For further information, to give feedback or to contribute to the newsletter please contact: with the subject line 'FAO: Newsletter Editor / Secretary'.