RCOT Wales Business Plan 2023/2024
RCOT regional business plans are developed using four key aims to ensure a focus on activities to which positively impact the occupational therapy profession.
RCOT strategy aims;
- Rise Up – We will rise up to be bold, progressive advocates and champions – raising our profile and voice so that more people understand the power of what occupational therapists do.
- Open Up – We will open up to new opportunities and people – joining forces, forming alliances, and getting more people to see occupational therapy as the solution to their needs.
- Lift Up – We will lift up every occupational therapist and support them to be the best they can be throughout their entire career – by offering them the best community, resources and tools that help them to succeed.
- Build Up – We will build up our organisation and culture to be dynamic, high performing and values-led – using insights and data to inform and drive us to achieve our purpose.
This helps to shape long and short-term strategic planning based on supporting members’ needs and providing opportunities for both the profession and its members across all regions. The business plan is encouraged to be a live document which is developed throughout the year and which will be used at the end of the period to form the basis of the annual review meeting, allowing members to see the committee value and outcomes.
RCOT Wales 2023/2024 Business Plan
Our 2023/2024 business plan outlines our commitment to focus on
- Improved engagement with local groups to strengthen the OT network across Wales
- Increased social media presence, including use of the Welsh language across social media
- Broader awareness across our discipline of Equity, Diversity and Belonging, and improved confidence among our members with these issues
- Quarterly newsletters distributed to all members.
Our region’s annual activities include:
Our committee aims to meet 6 times in total, with one of those meetings happening in person. Local groups will be encouraged to attend one of these meetings twice within the year to improve the communication across Wales. Additionally, an Annual Review Meeting (ARM) will be held once within the year to allow an opportunity to share the annual report, and statement of accounts with all members.
Our big event of the year will be held once in the North and once in the South which all RCOT Wales members will be invited to attend. This kind of event incurs significant costs to organise, host and run, but the feedback from members attending the roadshow event this year was that it was incredibly valuable for them professionally and far more enjoyable than an online event.
Local Groups
The committee would like to encourage a West Wales local group to re-form this year. To facilitate this the aim is to organise a Meet and Greet session in this locality. If you are interested in joining your local group or would like to hear more get in touch with RCOT Wales via e-mail or social media and we can direct you to your local group.
To improve member engagement and understanding of what is happening across Wales, quarterly newsletters will be produced and distributed by email.
The committee will produce a business plan with a budget for the year. A 6 month and annual report will keep RCOT updated of the activities and spending within our region. Committee members also monitor an email inbox and respond to queries in a timely manner and post on social media platforms to improve member engagement and networking opportunities.
Wales region is committed to sending representatives to HQ events, Annual Conference and Communities Forum Meeting and then disseminating relevant information to Wales committee and local groups.
The committee also hold the budget for local groups and can provide financial support for these groups to host their own events, encouraging connections within local OT communities. The committee are responsible for ensuring that the budget is equitable across Wales.
We welcome members feedback on our business plan and the work of the RCOT Wales Committee, if you would like to get in touch, please contact rcot.wales@rcot.co.uk.